Please stay tuned for our upcoming promotions.

Join our Tingkat Loyalty Program to enjoy standing order for 10 consecutive times with additional savings! Applicable for 10 days or 20 days Regular Tingkat packages only.
On order page, once you’ve selected Yes to be on our Auto-renewal subscription, you will automatically be on our Tingkat Loyalty Program.
10 Days package
• Get $5 off each time for next 10 consecutive times of auto-renewal — Total savings $50.00
20 Days package
• Get $10 off each time for next 10 consecutive times of auto-renewal — Total savings $100.00
Terms and conditions apply
• Limited to 1 cycle per customer only.
• Discount provided are before GST.
• Any discount given will be voided upon termination.

Join our Tingkat Loyalty Program to enjoy standing order for 10 consecutive times with additional savings! Applicable for 10 days or 20 days Healthy Tingkat packages only.
On order page, once you’ve selected Yes to be on our Auto-renewal subscription, you will automatically be on our Tingkat Loyalty Program.
10 Days package
• Get $10 off each time for next 10 consecutive times of auto-renewal — Total savings $100.00
20 Days package
• Get $20 off each time for next 10 consecutive times of auto-renewal — Total savings $200.00
Terms and conditions apply
• Limited to 1 cycle per customer only.
• Discount provided are before GST.
• Any discount given will be voided upon termination.